Open Sky Cargo SRL
Logistica & Consultanta

O.S. Cargo Srl
In a rapidly evolving world, where the logistics industry must constantly adapt to meet new challenges, OPEN SKY CARGO stands as a trusted partner with expertise across three continents. Since our establishment in 2013, we have been dedicated to delivering tailored logistics solutions to clients throughout East and West Europe.
Într-o lume în continuă evoluție, unde industria logisticii trebuie să se adapteze constant pentru a face față noilor provocări, OPEN SKY CARGO este un partener de încredere cu expertiză pe trei continente. De la înființarea noastră în 2013, ne dedicăm furnizării de soluții logistice personalizate pentru clienți din Europa de Est și de Vest.

International Logistics Consultancy
From collection to Destination- Or Import
Trucking over Europe, Airport to Airport airlines providers, All European Destination/Origin.
Air Lines General sales Agency, Cargo Brokers,
And Land Transport Brokers Operators.
Menzies Cargo Terminal, Ootopeni Airport,Cargo Area Romania
Rotterdam Airport Cargo area, Rotterdam , The Netherlands.
RO Phone :+40 733052794 NL Phone : +31 10 3106276
©2018 by OpenSky Cargo.
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Otopeni Airport, Cargo Area Otopeni Romania, +40 (0)733 052794